About Sukh

I’m Sukhvinder (Sukh) Pabial.

Read my posts, there’s far much more there for you to learn about me than this page 🙂

7 thoughts on “About Sukh”

  1. True. But it doesn’t say who you are. And your twitter account – or at least the link to it in the side bar – seems to be dead.

  2. Hi – I’m writing this because I saw your tweet on Twitter about the new version of Yahoo Mail. My name is Jan Hyatt and I’m the organizer of an online petition to persuade Yahoo to bring back the old version of Yahoo Mail and would love your support. Please ignore this if you aren’t interested, but if you are, please sign the petition and send it to as many people as you can.

    I started this petition because of my own experience with the new version, but since I started it, I’ve been contacted by thousands of people whose businesses are affected, many who have lost email and contacts, some who are unable to even see the email system because they have visual impairments – the response has been overwhelming. Many of us are looking at other alternatives, but don’t want to change.

    We need really big numbers if we want Yahoo to pay attention, so if you can help us it would be tremendous. Thanks so much for your time – you can find the petition at https://www.change.org/petitions/yahoo-bring-back-the-old-version-of-yahoo-mail.

    Jan Hyatt
    Severna Park, MD, USA

    p.s. We also have “An Open Letter to Marissa Mayer” at yahoomailvoices.com that you may want to read.

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